jQuery - Get URL Parameters

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added Jul 4, 2018 in jQuery by anonymous
//Example website URL

//Create function which returns value of any parameters variable
function GetURLParameter(sParam) {
    var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1),
        sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');

    for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
        var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
        if (sParameterName[0] == sParam)   {
          return sParameterName[1];

var lang = GetURLParameter('php');
var blog = GetURLParameter('techtalk');

//Above variable will output:
// --> 'lang' variable = 'php' value
// --> 'blog' variable =  'techtalk' value
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